Sunday 22 June 2014


So It's been a little while since my last post, my reasons are good ones I promise. I was recently in Australia for a year and returned home to England at the end of March 2014. It has taken me that long to really get back into the swing of things and get settled back in, A lot of changes have happened to which is exciting and I shall write about them in the near future! 
Now that I have given a very brief recap of my whereabouts I'm dying to write about my New York adventures, I was daily vlogging in NY so if you want more detail about my adventures in NY check out my Paigeelovesmakeup youtube channel. I went to NY mainly to attend BEA and Bookcon which are book conventions. However I also did the tourist things like:

Waiting for Blair and Serena...(The Met Steps)

Being president for a hot minute (Madame Tussauds)

Big Brother is Watching (Rockefeller Centre)

Getting Bookish with Kat from Katytasic on Youtube (Bookcon)

Chilling with my bestie (Statue of Libery and Ellis Island)

I also attended the booktube meetup at the Strand Bookstore and had lovely conversation with some really great people.I  had such a phenomenal time in New york and attending Bookcon, I met so many great people and got some awesome free books  I feel very blessed. I will be doing a post soon showing all of the goodies I got in NY Beauty and Books, my second and third favourite 'B' words ;). If you want a more in-depth look into my NY adventures check out my youtube video on my Paigeelovesmakeup channel 

Until Next Time... - P XO. 

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