Wednesday 13 November 2013

GET TO KNOW ME: 50 Facts about me

Paige Rose.

  1. I have four siblings, a sister and two brothers.
  2. I'm half South African.
  3. Since a newborn my mother never dressed me in pants, this has stuck with me by habit and I can count the amount of times I have worn trousers in my life on one hand.
  4. Im a Leo
  5. I Currently live in Australia Sydney to be exact :)
  6. I have no tattoo's or piercings
  7. Science absolutely fascinates me to no end, I love learning about everything science especially scientific theories.
  8. I am extremely introvert yet I am a party girl and go out almost every weekend.
  9. I am addicted to sushi
  10. I have a rather eclectic taste in music, my favorite genre's are deathcore, rock and rap in that order.
  11. I have a really inappropriate un-filtered sense of humor
  12. I visit Perez Hilton's website at least once a day. I can't help it i love reading about the latest celeb goss. ;)
  13. I'm allergic to cats, but only some cats.
  14. I'm a city girl completely but I enjoy the the idea if growing old in the country 
  15. Everyday I'm thankful that i know my best friend, she is one of the greatest people i will ever meet, love you CJT :)
  16. I am extremely close with my entire family, if you have ever watched 'My big fat greek wedding' well the only difference is we are South African not greek.
  17. I think i would rather chop off my pinky finger than choose a favorite make-up brand - Its too hard!
  18. My favorite colour is blue; cerulean and turquoise to be exact.
  19. I would want to live in any country but the UK - Singapore is rather appealing
  20. One of my hobbies is MMA (mixed martial arts)
  21. I have random spouts of insomnia 
  22. When i was little my mum called me 'Moogie' pronounced "mooshiee" she still occasionally calls me it.
  23. Evangeline Lily has the same Birthday as me....this obviously makes us best friends.
  24. there is a tie between my two favorite movies; The Great Gatsby and the last house on the left (the original).
  25. I really love being alone and having alone time, I could do it for weeks and weeks. 
  26. I have a such a passion for Dante Alighieri his personal life story and 'The Divine Comedy". I was very close to studying him along with the renaissance period at University.
  27. I'm not particularly fond of the dark
  28. If there are open doors and chairs un-tucked I have to close the doors and tuck the chairs back under the table, the thought of leaving it be is unsettling. 
  29. My siblings and I talk REALLY fast, no one can ever really understand us.
  30. The only stuffed toy I have ever cared for/liked is a stuffed tartan teddy bear that my God-father bought me when I was two years old and I can vividly remember receiving it, i still have it to this day.
  31. Currently im really hungry....#Hangry
  32. My only career goal when I was younger was to join the Navy.
  33. depending on my mood I sometimes like Marmite/Vegemite
  34. I only wear gold jewelry 
  35. After the previous fact I just ran to get Sushi *Bad Paige!*
  36. I Talk to myself and sometimes forget when I'm in public
  37. Most of my clothes are my Grandmothers she has such a variety from all different era's that are now mine.....she has this amazing custom flapper dress which i have stolen thanks ma! hehe.
  38. I have so many interests that i was to peruse as career's it scared me a lot knowing that i might pick the wrong one.
  39. I studied Media and photography at college, i loved it!
  40. I love going on cruises
  41. Iced green tea or a Soy chai latte is my Starbucks order
  42. I really dislike roast dinners
  43. When I doodle I only draw 3D boxes.
  44. I have a beauty channel on Youtube that has been neglected since i moved to Australia, i hope to be making videos again soon.
  45. My siblings and I all live in different parts of the UK/the world
  46. When i was born i had blonde hair and blue eyes, now my eyes are almost black and i have dark hair.
  47. I wish it was totally acceptable to wear onesies to work
  48. The only make-up i wear on an every day basis is mascara
  49. I wear heels every day
  50. I have two middle names.

I really enjoyed writing this actually, I thought it was a little self-indulgent but i hope you enjoy it :)
Let me know if you have done this tag too! Paige xoxo

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